Elementary 61: Your Turn To Change The Dirty Diaper

MP3 Audio (Lesson) | MP3 Audio (Dialog)

How do couples decide whose turn it is to change a dirty diaper? Is it best to take turns, trade days, alternate between wet and dirty? We’ll let you decide the strategy, but what we can help you with is how to talk about changing diapers in Portuguese.

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 A: Ai não, a Mariane sujou a fralda de novo!
Oh no, Mariane messed her diaper again!
  B: Mas eu acabei de trocar ela, nem faz 5 minutos!
But I just changed her, not even 5 minutes ago!
  A: Bom, e essa é poderosa, me alcança mais uma fralda por favor.
Well, and this one is powerful, grab me another diaper please.
  B: Nossa! mas que fedor! Né? Meu anjinho, você tem um cheiro que só a mamãe ama!
Wow, that stinks! Right? My little angel, you have a smell that only a mother could love!
  A: E me alcança mais desses lenços, ela vai precisar de muitos.
And grab me some more wipes too, this is going to require a bunch.
  B: Eduardo, você também é um anjo, trocando uma fralda dessas.
Eduardo, you are an angel too, changing a diaper like that one.


  1. Joe

    Is there a rule when we can and can’t use the “ing” form without the verb estar? In this case we have trocando by itself.

    1. Orlando Kelm

      Hi Joe, Good question about “ing.” What I often tell students is that “ing” in Portuguese isn’t as restrictive as it is in Spanish. That is to say, “ing” in Portuguese sometimes looks more similar to what happens in English. For example, I’d have no problem in Portuguese with “Falando assim é feio, para!” (Talking like that isn’t nice, stop it!)

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