Slice of Life 27: Why I Love Basketball

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Some people simply love sports and others just kind of don’t care. In this episode we get to talk to one of those who seems to have that extra sports gene. And for those of you who love sports too, this is your lesson about basketball and we love to play it so much. Enjoy.

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 A: You know dad, it’s rare to see anyone who loves basketball as much as you do.
Sabe pai, é raro ver alguém que gosta mais de basquete do que você.
  B: Yeah, that might be true, I’m just an old gym rat who happens to be worn out and slow.
É, pode ser, eu sou só um velho rato de academia que ficou esgotado e devagar.
  A: So why do you love basketball so much?
Então, por que é que você gosta tanto de basquete?
  B: You know, it’s the feeling you get when you fake to the right, drive to the left, and then leave that defender in the dust…
Sabe, é aquela sensação de quando você finge que vai pra direita, vira à esquerda, e deixa o defensor comendo poeira...
  A: For me is that cool swish sound when its nothin’ but net!
Nada é mais lindo do que o barulhinho da cesta de chuá entrando direto.
  B: And for me the best is when you block a shot and knock the ball clear into the third row of the fan seats.
E pra mim o melhor é quando você bloqueia um arremesso e a bola bate lá na terceira fila da arquibancada.
  A: So, could you dunk it?
E você podia enterrar a bola?
  B: You know, I never was really great at dunking it, but I had a sweet hook shot for sure!
Sabe, eu nunca fui muito bom com as enterradas, mas com certeza fazia um gancho lindo.

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