Intermediate 01: Sweetie, I’m Pregnant.

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Morning sickness, cravings, wow, there are a lot of things that happen when a woman becomes pregnant. In this lesson we learn about how to talk about all of these things. And we sure hope that other fathers catch on quicker than the one in this dialog!

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 A: Você está bem? Parece um pouco pálida. Não sei não, hein?
Are you OK? You seem a little pale. I don’t know, you know?
  B: Não, não estou doente. Estou bem, não é nada.
No, I’m not sick. I am fine, it’s nothing.
  A: Você comeu alguma coisa que te fez mal?
Did you eat something that was bad for you?
  B: Não, mas toda manhã estou com náuseas, e depois a sensação passa.
No, but every morning I wake up feeling nauseous, but then the feeling passes.
  A: Bom, toma essa água. Você quer que eu te leve ao médico.
OK, drink this water. Do you want me to take you to the doctor?
  B: Não, não é preciso. Olha, o que eu quero mesmo é chupar mais desse limão.
No, that is not necessary. Look, what I really want is to keep on sucking on these lemons.
  A: Mas se você está doente, é melhor que você não coma tanto.
But if you aren’t sick, it would be better to not eat so much.
  B: Querido, eu não estou doente.
Sweetie, I am not sick.
  A: Olha, OK, acho melhor você ficar em casa hoje. Não vai para o trabalho.
Look, OK, I think it would be better to stay at home today. Don’t go to work.
  B: Querido, eu não estou doente.
Sweetie, I am not sick.
  A: Meu bem, eu posso ligar para seu chefe se você quiser.
Dear, I can call your boss if you want me to.
  B: Como é possível que você não esteja entendendo? Escuta aqui, eu não estou doente, viu?
How is it possible that you are not understanding? Listen here, I am not sick, you get it?
  A: Então, que que é?
So, what is it then?
  B: Querido, eu estou grávida!
Sweetie, I’m pregnant!
  A: Você está o que?
You are what?
  B: Eu estou grávida!
I am pregnant!


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  1. Zach Thompson

    I didn’t quite get at the very end what Andreia was saying about her brothers. That she was the last but that their were three boys?

    Zach T.

    1. Orlando Kelm

      Hey Zach, Andreia actually comes from a family with 12 children!!!!

  2. Thad

    Prof Orlando,
    My question concerns the line where Antônio begins with “Olha, OK..
    I thought that while the pattern “não acho que” would definitely require the subjunctive, “acho que”, as an exception would not, and therefore could be used here w/ the indicative.


    1. Orlando Kelm

      Sometimes it is helpful to think of all of these grammar rules as simply “rules of thumb.” That is to say, especially when using the subjunctive, many times it isn’t 100% cut and dried. Truth told, in everyday speech, not even a Brazilian will notice the difference with acho que and não acho que. Note that in English we have a similar situation between, “If I was you” vs. “I I were you.” Chances are that most native speakers do not even notice the difference. Personally, when I am talking in Portuguese, I use the subjunctive with “não acho que” and I don’t with “acho que.” However, I do so knowing that Brazilians may or may not do likewise.

  3. Amy

    Oi! Eu amo essas liçaos!