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Elementary 06: How Many Languages Do You Speak?
Since you are trying to learn Portuguese, it only makes sense that we have a lesson on how to say the names of other languages too. And that is what today’s lesson is all about.
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Elementary 10: I’ve Got To Go Bad
When you gotta go, you gotta go, and in this lesson we’ve gotta go. But there is no way that we are using those dirty public bathrooms. You will thank us later when you know how to talk about this in Portuguese.
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Beginning 22: How Do You Spell That?
Do you know how in English we sometimes aren’t sure if words are spelled with an ‘s’ or a ‘c’? The same thing happens for Brazilians in Portuguese. There are some words that are harder to spell. Let’s learn about that in today’s lesson.
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Intermediate 21: Auto-Correction In Multiple Languages
Sure, it’s convenient to be able to write in multiple languages, but sometimes the auto-correct messes you up too. No problem, in today’s lesson we talk about how to set up your phone to type in either English or Portuguese.
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Elementary 53: Classic Sonnets
There are times when we all wish that we were poets, right? Wouldn’t it be great to write verses that inspire others, or cause others to feel a certain way? Even if that dream is beyond your current reach, at least we can appreciate the poetry of others. Today we learn to talk about the characteristics of classic sonnets.
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