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  • Ponto de Encontro: Grammar

Beginning 18: Going To The Party?
One thing about Brazilian parties, there is no beginning or ending time. Come when you can, stay as long as you can. In this lesson we can teach you the grammar and vocabulary, but you need to bring the party attitude!
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Beginning 28: Who Is that Guy?
Girl talk, you know, “Who is that handsome guy over there?” Guys, it may be an illusion on your part. Chances are that they are not talking about you. But then again, maybe they are. And in today’s lesson, at least we learn to talk about other people in Portuguese.
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Elementary 39: This Lasagna Is Fantastic
No doubt, our lessons are about Portuguese, but how can somebody resist good Italian food? And where do you find some of the world’s best Italian food? In São Paulo, Brazil of course. Enjoy a large serving of lasagna and enjoy the lesson about food.
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Beginning 42: Can You Buy A Little Milk?
Don’t you hate it when you run out of milk! How can one be expected to eat cereal for breakfast when there is no milk. Oops, let’s take that back. Brazilians don’t eat cold cereal for breakfast. Still, if someone is going to the store, let’s learn how to ask them to pick up some milk.
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Elementary 59: Saint Sandwich
What a play on words, a restaurant called “São Duíche”! We’ve got São Paulo, São Jorge, São Caetano, we might as well add a São Duíche, the patron saint of those who love “sanduíches” or sandwiches. This is going to be a fun Portuguese language lesson!
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