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All-nighters are commonly pulled by teenagers or young adults. While some all-nighters are pulled because of the need to get in extra hours in for studying, most are pulled to watch TV, text friends, and eat snacks. They usually happen on weekends or holidays, because everyone feels quite tired in the following day. Enjoy the episode.
cookie dough* – massa de biscoito, muitas vezes comida crua pelas crianças americanas
Mais um episódio excelente! Eu sou americano, e gosto de escutar para treinar meu português.
Orlando, your pronunciation of “eggs” and “measuring” (AY instead of EH) struck me as a little unusual. Where’s that accent from?
Olá Andrew. Eu nasci no Canadá, fui criado em Utah, educado na California, e moro agora aqui no Texas há mais de 30 anos. As to pronunciation, you are correct. Some english speakers have a “closed e” and others have an “open e” I hear it a lot in the word “strength” (similar to eggs). Where I say straynth, many say strehnth. Boa observação rapaz!