Slice of Life 11: Binge Watching, Life’s Great Entertainments

MP3 Audio (Lesson) | MP3 Audio (Dialog)

You can watch a show on TV and then wait a week for the next episode. Or, you can wait and watch all of the episodes one after another. Binge watching isn’t a waste of time, it’s the best way to really get into the story. In today’s episode we not only love to binge watch, but we love the snacks and ice cream that go with it all too.

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 A: You remember what tomorrow is?
Você sabe que dia é amanhã?
  B: Of course, can’t wait. Binge watching time! Bring on the ice cream and treats.
Claro, mal posso esperar. É o dia da maratona de séries. Traga o sorvete e os doces.
  A: Nowadays it’s the best way to watch shows, you know?
Hoje em dia é a melhor maneira de assistir aos programas de TV, né?
  B: Agreed, no commercials, and no waiting a whole week.
Concordo: sem comerciais e sem esperar a semana toda.
  A: And I especially love being able to get 100% into the story all at once.
E eu principalmente adoro entrar de cabeça na história e ver tudo de cabo a rabo.
  B: Have you decided yet which show we’re going to watch?
Você já decidiu o que a gente vai assistir?
  A: Let me check my list on Hulu and Netflix.
Deixa eu ver minha lista no Hulu e na Netflix.
  B: Got it, you decide, I’m up for anything, as long as the popcorn keeps flowing.
Beleza, você que decide, eu aceito qualquer coisa desde que a pipoca continue rolando.

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