Slice of Life 45: Game Night

MP3 Audio (Lesson) | MP3 Audio (Dialog)

Many American families host game nights. These fun evenings unite the whole family, creating a fun, yet competitive, environment that can last for hours. Choosing which game to play can sometimes be the most stressful part, though.

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 A: I got Monopoly ready! Which piece do you want to be?
O Monopoly tá pronto! Qual peça você quer ser?
  B: Ugh, that game takes too long.
Aff, esse jogo demora muito.
  A: But it’s so fun! And it’s perfect for game night.
Mas é tão divertido! E é perfeito para uma noite de jogo.
  B: Okay fine, I’ll play. As long as I get to be the banker.
Tá bom, tudo bem, eu jogo. Mas só se eu for a banqueira.
  A: No cheating this time! You always steal the money.
Nada de trapaça desta vez! Você sempre rouba o dinheiro.
  B: But it speeds up the game.
Mas faz o jogo acabar mais rápido.
  A: I’m gonna get the snacks from the pantry.
Vou pegar uns lanchinhos na despensa.
  B: And I’ll get backup games in case no one wants to play Monopoly.
E eu vou pegar uns jogos reserva caso ninguém queira jogar Monopoly.
  A: Rude!
Que rude!
  B: I have Pictionary, Scrabble, and Uno! People will definitely want to play those.
Eu tenho Pictionary, Scrabble, e Uno. Esses as pessoas vão querer jogar com certeza.


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  1. Andrew Shapira

    Thanks for another great episode! Orlando, I’ve noticed that you’re always interested in phrases that can’t be translated literally, like “it takes too long.” Are you familiar with João do Litoral, from the YouTube channel Amigo Gringo? Here’s the first part. I think you’ll enjoy it.

    1. Orlando Kelm

      Olá Andrew,
      E você tem toda a razão, o João do Litoral é muito engraçado, obrigado.