Slice of Life 02: Girl Scout Thin Mints, Gotta Love ‘Em

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Selling Girl Scout cookies are an annual American tradition, so much so that January and February have become known as “cookie season.” Every Girl Scout is expected to sell at least 32 cookie boxes to help fund their troop’s activities, even though the troop only makes 75 cents for every $4 box sold. Cookie sales are a fun way for Girl Scouts to engage with their community while honing their business, advertisement, and entrepreneurial skills.

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*Domain = Shopping center ao ar livre na cidade de Austin, Texas
**Thin Mints = biscoitos finos de chocolate com menta, tradicionalmente vendido pelas meninas escoteiras americanas (bandeirantes no Brasil)
 A: I broke my record in selling cookies! 172 boxes.
Eu bati meu recorde de venda de biscoito! 172 caixas!
  B: Wow… That’s a lot. I bet most of them came from that booth we did at the Domain.
Nossa! É bastante! Aposto que a maioria foi daquela barraca que a gente montou no Domain.*
  A: I think so. Remember that woman who bought 2 crates of Thin Mints?
Acho que sim. Lembra daquela mulher que comprou dois caixotes de Thin Mints**?
  B: Yeah, that was insane, what is that, like 24 boxes? Makes sense, though. They are my favorite cookies too.
Lembro, que loucura! Quanto dá isso, tipo 24 caixas? Mas tem tudo a ver. Também é meu biscoito favorito.
  A: I guess 24 boxes will last the whole year. They freeze really well. Do you prefer yours frozen or not?
Acho que 24 caixas vão durar um ano inteiro. Congelam superbem. Você prefere congelado ou não?
  B: Frozen obviously! It makes it taste like mint chocolate chip ice cream. Either way, the more boxes the better. They support the girls, and that’s what matters.
Congelado, com certeza! Fica com um gosto parecido com sorvete de menta com gotas de chocolate. De qualquer maneira, quanto mais caixas melhor! Ajuda as meninas e é isso que importa.