Slice of Life 50: Volunteer Work

MP3 Audio (Lesson) | MP3 Audio (Dialog)

We all need a little help sometimes, and fortunately good neighbors, friends, and church groups rally to help out and provide community service. Here in Texas natural disasters seem to top the list: tornados, hurricanes, floods and fires. In today’s episode it is time to put together some food packages. Feel free to join us if you’d like to.

Lesson audio

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Dialog audio

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 A: I just got a call from Barbara at the Food Bank.
Acabei de receber uma ligação da Barbara do Banco de Alimentos.
  B: Yeah, what’s up? Do they need some help this weekend?
Sim, e aí? Eles precisam de ajuda neste fim de semana?
  A: They do. A number of people lost their homes in last night’s tornado.
Sim. Várias pessoas perderam a casa deles no tornado da noite passada.
  B: Do they need some donations?
Eles precisam de doações?
  A: Not so much donations, but they need people to help put together the food packages.
Doações nem tanto, mas estão precisando de gente pra ajudar a montar os pacotes de alimentos.
  B: I’ve got some free time tomorrow morning. Tell Barb that we’re in.
Eu tenho um tempinho amanhã de manhã. Diga pra Barb que estamos dentro.
  A: Great, Barbara said they’re getting together around 9:00am, OK?
Ótimo, a Bárbara me disse que eles vão se reunir por volta das 9h da manhã, beleza?
  B: No problem, I’ll invite Jamie to join us too.
Sem problemas, vou convidar a Jamie para ir também.


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  1. Keila Goulart

    Nice way to learn more about how important Volunteer Work is!
    The only way to change people’s mindset towards changing the relationships for better!

    1. Orlando Kelm

      Obrigado Keila, eu concordo, é muito importante cooperar com a comunidade. Tomara que tenha gostado do episódio.

  2. Geane

    Nice to learn about this subject…