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  • Ponto de Encontro: Chapter

  • Ponto de Encontro: Grammar

Beginning 11: I’d Rather Walk
So, should we walk or take a taxi? On one hand, plan on walking more in Brazil. On the other hand, taxi are not every expensive, especially with a small group of people. In today’s lesson we talk about walking and taking a taxi. And, it is a good chance to introduce you to the verb preferir ‘to prefer’ too.
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Elementary 10: I’ve Got To Go Bad
When you gotta go, you gotta go, and in this lesson we’ve gotta go. But there is no way that we are using those dirty public bathrooms. You will thank us later when you know how to talk about this in Portuguese.
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Elementary 31: Where Is Breakfast?
It’s always nice to wake up in a hotel and head on down to a buffet breakfast. Especially in Brazil this means that you get lots of fresh fruit, juices, breads, cheeses, and something hot to drink. After today’s lesson you should be able to find out how to get to breakfast, and hopefully know what time it is served too.
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Intermediate 12: Wow, Those Gymnasts Are Amazing!
How can those athletes combine such grace and strength, it’s amazing. After today’s lesson we will be able to use Portuguese to describe such moves in gymnastics.
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Beginning 51: WhatsApp or Facebook?
Every time you turn around there is a new way to socialize with others. When it comes to chatting with friends, do you prefer WhatsApp or Facebook? That’s the topic we tackle in today’s lesson.
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Beginning 57: X-Tudo Meu Amigo!
Forget the famous food chains, if you want a burger in Brazil, check out the guy with the corner stand. Brazilian X-tudo comes with all the extras, and when we day “tudo” we mean everything. Bring it on, and bring on a lesson to talk about it in Portuguese.
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Elementary 70: Finger food
Salgadinhos, those salty snack foods that we all love to eat, even if do so with a little sense of guilt, knowing that they just can’t be all that healthy of an option. Still, in today’s lesson we give you a pretty good list of many of the salgadinhos that you should try. And, as long as you don’t go too crazy, feel free to eat them without feely guilty.
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Intermediate 27: What makes a good cachaça?
How in the world does a person figure out what makes a good cachaça? Color, smell, taste, and what brands are recommended? This lesson is our chance to get you started in knowing how to talk about cachaça and caipirinha.Drinking it, well, we’ll leave that up to you.
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Beginning 75: Salad, who wants a salad!
It’s one thing to think of salad as a fresh, healthy food. But we’ve all had the experience of opening the fridge, only to find that the lettuce is brown, the tomatoes are old, and the cucumbers are mushy. It’s enough to take away your appetite. It doesn’t matter what language you are using, that kind of food is gross.
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