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Intermediate 07: Visiting the Soccer Museum
Of course not everyone loves soccer, but everyone should be able to join in on conversations about soccer. And what better way to talk the talk than to visit the soccer museum in São Paulo? So here we go, who was better Pelé or Garrincha? Maradona or Messi?.
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Intermediate 10: Have you purchased tickets to the Olympics?
So the Olympics are coming, but now we need to purchase tickets. Which events would you like to see most? Let’s just hope that they aren’t too difficult to come by. At least after this lesson we’ll have the Portuguese ability to talk about our tickets.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Elementary 58: What Is The Best Ice Cream?
Ice cream is already one of life’s great pleasures, and this is even more the case in a place where tropical fruits give us even more new flavor options. So let’s talk about ice cream, your favorite flavors, your favorite places to buy it, and who to share it with.
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Elementary 68: The bed is uncomfortable
We spend so much of our life in bed, it really shows that getting the right bed is probably a big deal. But what do you do when the bed is uncomfortable. It may be that buying another one will change things, or maybe not. It’s such a hard decision, but at least we’ll give you the language necessary to make that decision in Portuguese.
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