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Beginning 04: Where Are The Kid’s Clothes?
Modern shopping malls in Brazil are called, shopping. Be careful however, because it is easy to get lost in the maze of floors and corridors. In today’s lesson, learn how to follow the instructions to get to the children’s clothing section on the fourth floor.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Elementary 18: Give Me A Dozen Roses
We all hope that someday, as a foreigner in Brazil, you have the opportunity to buy flowers. There is a delightful mix of the excitement in seeing the many new flowers, the relatively cheaper prices, and the fun of the exchange with the flower sellers. In this lesson we should learn some of the Portuguese that you’ll need for your flower-buying experience.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Intermediate 04: Love that Perfume
Buying perfume seems to be as complicated as choosing a fine wine. There is a combination of personal taste mixed with a knowledge about top notes, middle notes and a whole list of different scents and aromas. In this lesson we take on the task of buying perfume, and in the end, even the decorative bottle becomes part of the purchase decision.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Elementary 36: Online Shopping
Shopping online can be extremely convenient, but is it secure? Some love to buy everything online and others would rather go to the store. In this lesson we learn to talk about online shopping.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Elementary 41: The Electric Bill Has Arrived
Nobody likes to have to pay the bills, but when the amount is even more than usual, it is even more difficult to accept. In today’s lesson the electric bill is way too high. Find out whose fault that is.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Beginning 69: Small talk VI – Love those shoes
What’s better than finding the perfect shoes online? Having a friend who recognizes how good looking those shoes are, and then asks you about them. Don’t worry, in the dialog we promise to send you the link, in Portuguese of course.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Beginning 71: Small talk VIIII – Supermarket Line
Sometimes we feel pressed and want to get out of the supermarket as quickly as possible. Other days we are OK with slowing down the pace a little bit. In today’s lesson somebody is nice enough to let another go first in the checkout line. No doubt that someday the good deed will be paid back, and somebody will let you in line as well. And at least we’ll have enough Portuguese to thank them appropriately if this happens in Brazil.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Beginning 74: Stopping by the market
Since someone is stopping by the supermarket anyway, it’s only polite to ask if there is anything you need. It’s always nice to be nice! And today we learn how to be nice in Portuguese too.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Intermediate 28: Men and Women Shopping
Do you love or hate shopping? People seem to fall into one of those camps. And how does your love/hate of shopping change when you get to do it online? Or does it change when you are shopping for cloths or for tools? All of this goes into our shopping patterns, and in this lesson we do it in Portuguese.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Elementary 73: The Tire Looks A Little Low
It’s so easy to ignore the warning lights that go off, but in this case the tire looks a little low too. It’s a good thing that friends can help out, check the tires and even take things in to a mechanic if needed. And if you ever need to make that request in Portuguese, today’s lesson’s got you covered.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3