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  • Ponto de Encontro: Grammar

Elementary 03: You Can’t Keep Working Like This
Sometimes we just can’t get away from our work. But really, is it more important than taking a break to go out to lunch with friends? In this lesson we learn about how to invite others to lunch. Hopefully you will be able to accept the invite, unlike Paulo in this lesson!
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Elementary 10: I’ve Got To Go Bad
When you gotta go, you gotta go, and in this lesson we’ve gotta go. But there is no way that we are using those dirty public bathrooms. You will thank us later when you know how to talk about this in Portuguese.
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Elementary 12: Look At Those Muscles!
Going to the gym, working out, exercising, for some these words all carry a positive feeling. For others, they bring up feelings of dread or guilt. In today’s lesson Andreia is really into working out, or at least watching others work out. Cassia, not so much. And even if you are not in perfect shape, after today’s lesson you will at least be able to talk about it.
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Intermediate 03: The New iPad Just Came Out
Yeah, the new iPad is out, and Antonio wants to take a peek. Andreia, however, is skeptical. Is it a big deal, or just another excuse to spend money on a new toy? In today’s lesson we’ll see how much Brazilian adopt new foreign words into their everyday speech.
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Beginning 24: What Are You Doing?
Oops, looks like some people just got caught at working doing something that they weren’t supposed to do. We’ll leave it up to your imagination to say what they were doing. However, in this lesson we’ll give you the specific words and grammar that you’ll need to talk about it, whatever it was.
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Elementary 25: Have You Quit Smoking?
João has been trying to quit smoking. He’s not quite there yet, but looks like he is still motivated to kick the habit. Good thing for João. And good thing for us too, because we learn to talk about it in Portuguese.
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Beginning 27: I’m Going To Throw Up
Maybe it’s something you ate. Maybe you just ate too much. Or maybe you’ve caught some flu bug. Either way, you aren’t feeling very well, and chances are that you are going to throw up. And on that happy note, in today’s lesson we learn to talk about all of this in Portuguese!
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Elementary 33: They Broke Up Last Week
Oh, Oh! Looks like Daniela and Marcos broke up, but nobody told Elisângela about it. Oops, of course she didn’t mean anything by her comments, but it would have been nice if someone had told her what was going ton. At least in your case, you will learn how to deal with this type of situation in Portuguese.
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Beginning 37: The Dog Ran Away!
We love our pets. Well, mostly we love our pets, but they can be a lot of work. In today’s lesson the dog runs away. But just how sad is that going to make everyone?
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Beginning 39: You Caught A Cold!
All that sneezing and runny nose! You’ve got a cold, poor thing. Chances are you aren’t in the mood to do a lot of talking, but in this lesson at least you can learn about how to talk about it.
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Beginning 44: Here kitty, kitty, kitty
We know that people love their pets, and we love ours too. But really, if the only thing that people like about you more than their pet is that you don’t shed hair all over, well that’s not much of a complement. Still, it sounds better in Portuguese.
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Elementary 46: Would You Ever Do Plastic Surgery?
When it comes to plastic surgery, the joke is that there are no ugly women, just poor husbands. Of course plastic surgery is not the solution to all beauty issues, and in today’s lesson Marco does a good job of reassuring his wife that she is beautiful. After today’s lesson you will be able to do the same, with or without plastic surgery.
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Intermediate 11: Congrats to the Silver Medal Winner
We have been looking forward to this for years. The Olympics are coming to Brazil and now we have to decide if we are going to attend the events live. After today’s lesson, you should be more excited than ever to attend.
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Beginning 53: Boarding the plane
Be honest, even in your native language it is hard to understand the flight announcements at airports, right? But don’t worry, we’ll get you prepared for them in Portuguese, and with luck you’ll even you’re your flight and it will get off on time.
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Elementary 57: What Have You Been Doing?
Of course we’d like to say that we are always productive with our time. But sometimes it’s nice just to chill in front of the TV and let the evening pass away in 100% rest and relaxation. Don’t make it a daily habit, but now and again, why not? And why not in Portuguese?
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Intermediate 25: Doctor’s visit – Diabetes
It’s so easy to get off of our routine, especially when traveling a lot. However, for those with diabetes, it’s important to still watch what we eat, keep up on medications, and maintain our exercise programs. Easier said than done, right? And in this lesson we add one more element, talking about all of this in Portuguese. We can do it, and chances are we’ll feel much better too.
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