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Everyone is going to the movies, and Susana is going too. Do you want to come along? In this lesson find out how, and while you are at it, learn all about the verb IR, (to go).
In today’s lesson we learn how to talk about one of the most characteristic foods of Brazil, feijoada. Think of a black bean stew with lots of different meats and the serve that over rice. You’ve got it, and for meat lovers, it is hard to resist.
One of life’s most satisfying pleasures is to spend time at open outdoor markets, the feiras, as Brazilians call them. The sellers are amazing. They know exactly when the fruit will be ripe and they can help you choose the best one available. There’s also an art to how to settle on a price. In today’s lesson, we learn how to buy some mangos, one of the classic fruit treats that are found at feiras.
Sometimes we never get tired of our favorite restaurants. In today’s lesson we learn how to suggest that we go back to our favorite once again. And, by the way, we do agree that comida mineira is excellent food!
Some things are just difficult to translate, and the names of different Brazilian desserts definitely fall in that category. Truth told, tasting them is the only way to really know what we are talking about. Taste truly trumps translation. Still, after this lesson you will know a number of Brazilian desserts that you should at least try to taste sometime.
What could it hurt, a little fried food for lunch, no big deal, right? If it means that you get to eat quibe, esfirra, coxinha and pastelzinhos, perhaps the extra calories are worth it. But then again, too much of a good thing might add on the extra pounds. After today’s lesson, you will be able to either order more fried foods or avoid more fried foods!
We’ve all heard about the wonders of the açaí berry: antioxidants, fiber, low in fat, super energy, etc. Whether that is true or not, there are those who just love the taste of açaí smoothies. Others, however, just can’t get used to the unique taste. After this lesson, if you haven’t every tried açaí, you’ll wonder which side of the debate you will be on.
The fruit juices in Brazil are fantastic. Really, our recommendation is that among the first things you ever do in Brazil is to try the different fruit juices. There are hundreds of tropical fruits and many make excellent juices. This lesson will get you started, and you will also learn the Portuguese necessary to experience new flavors.
Going to the movies is much more involved than it used to be. You used to be able to just choose the movie. Now you decide on 3D, fancy seats, assigned seating, apps to download, meals and treats, early shows, it’s much more involved. Still, the language you need to talk about what you like and dislike about the movies, you’ve got it in this lesson.
No doubt, our lessons are about Portuguese, but how can somebody resist good Italian food? And where do you find some of the world’s best Italian food? In São Paulo, Brazil of course. Enjoy a large serving of lasagna and enjoy the lesson about food.
Don’t you hate it when you run out of milk! How can one be expected to eat cereal for breakfast when there is no milk. Oops, let’s take that back. Brazilians don’t eat cold cereal for breakfast. Still, if someone is going to the store, let’s learn how to ask them to pick up some milk.
Feiras or markets, what a fantastic way to enjoy a couple of hours, do some excellent shopping, and also hear tons of everyday language. Remember to taste the foods, just see verify the ones that you really want to buy. In today’s lesson the seller has some good bananas, but the buyer is also looking for some tangerines. Enjoy!
There are times when we all wish that we were poets, right? Wouldn’t it be great to write verses that inspire others, or cause others to feel a certain way? Even if that dream is beyond your current reach, at least we can appreciate the poetry of others. Today we learn to talk about the characteristics of classic sonnets.
Some people like subtitles and others hate them. But you’ve got to consider what a dubbed movies sounds like too. Especially when watching foreign movies, it’s just nice to hear the original voices. No matter your preference, in this lesson we learn to talk about it in Portuguese.
Of course we’d like to say that we are always productive with our time. But sometimes it’s nice just to chill in front of the TV and let the evening pass away in 100% rest and relaxation. Don’t make it a daily habit, but now and again, why not? And why not in Portuguese?
Ice cream is already one of life’s great pleasures, and this is even more the case in a place where tropical fruits give us even more new flavor options. So let’s talk about ice cream, your favorite flavors, your favorite places to buy it, and who to share it with.
Nestlé, Garoto or Lacta, in Brazil the question is which chocolate brand we like the most. After today’s lesson, even if you can’t decide, you can at least explain the argument to defend one brand over another.
Salgadinhos, those salty snack foods that we all love to eat, even if do so with a little sense of guilt, knowing that they just can’t be all that healthy of an option. Still, in today’s lesson we give you a pretty good list of many of the salgadinhos that you should try. And, as long as you don’t go too crazy, feel free to eat them without feely guilty.
Have you ever been to one of those restaurants where you pay by weight. They are extremely popular in Brazil. However, the question in today’s lesson is whether or not is makes sense to pay for food by weight. Some think it’s convenient and logical, others find it inconvenient and illogical. Either way, we learn some great Portuguese verbs to talk about the self-service restaurants.