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  • Ponto de Encontro: Grammar

Intermediate 01: Sweetie, I’m Pregnant.
Morning sickness, cravings, wow, there are a lot of things that happen when a woman becomes pregnant. In this lesson we learn about how to talk about all of these things. And we sure hope that other fathers catch on quicker than the one in this dialog!
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Intermediate 02: Marquinhos Wet The Bed Again.
Ah yes, the challenges of potty training our children. Is my child normal? When is the right time to start? Am I doing anything wrong? This lesson gets us into this topic, and all in Portuguese of course.
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Beginning 09: What Do You Do For Work?
We sincerely doubt that Paulo has some secret government job, but at least in this lesson you will learn how to ask people what type of job they have.
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Elementary 07: No Class Tomorrow
So the word for Wednesday in Portuguese is something like ‘fourth market.’ OK, looks like we need to learn how to count the days of the week. In today’s lesson we learn about scheduling times to meet with a teacher, including days of the week.
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Beginning 16: Where Do You Want to Eat?
Sometimes we never get tired of our favorite restaurants. In today’s lesson we learn how to suggest that we go back to our favorite once again. And, by the way, we do agree that comida mineira is excellent food!
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Beginning 20: The Door Is Locked
How is it possible that we always misplace our keys, even when they are in our pocket or purse! It happens all the time, admit it. So it only makes sense that we learn that same conversation in Portuguese, which is the topic of today’s lesson.
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Elementary 09: Learning Portuguese Is Difficult
Is it so frustrating to learn how to pronounce words in Portuguese. There are different sounds for all of the vowels and there don’t seem to be any rules. And those verb endings, it’s crazy! Never fear. In today’s lesson will give you a few hints along the way, and we’ll let you know that it’s really no big deal.
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Elementary 13: You Are Really Tall
Are you pretty happy with your height and weight? Remember that when you talk about that in Portuguese, you will have to switch to the metric system. So, just how tall are you and how much do you weigh? Learn how to talk about that in today’s lesson.
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Elementary 18: Give Me A Dozen Roses
We all hope that someday, as a foreigner in Brazil, you have the opportunity to buy flowers. There is a delightful mix of the excitement in seeing the many new flowers, the relatively cheaper prices, and the fun of the exchange with the flower sellers. In this lesson we should learn some of the Portuguese that you’ll need for your flower-buying experience.
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Elementary 19: I Just Love To Travel
In this lesson we not only learn how to talk about traveling, but we also get the added bonus of talking about Florianopolis, truly one of the jewels of the southern part of Brazil.
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Intermediate 05: Reserving the Conference Room
The company may have a new conference room, but just try to make a reservation to use it. Others have it reserved for today. But don’t worry, tomorrow it’s available all day. And after today’s lesson, you be able to make the same reservations in Portuguese too.
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Beginning 22: How Do You Spell That?
Do you know how in English we sometimes aren’t sure if words are spelled with an ‘s’ or a ‘c’? The same thing happens for Brazilians in Portuguese. There are some words that are harder to spell. Let’s learn about that in today’s lesson.
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Elementary 26: Turn Right At The Third Door
Let’s hope that section18 row 25 has good seats for whatever performance Daniela in our dialog is attending. And let’s also hope that they can follow the instructions to find those seats. In today’s lesson we learn the Portuguese phrases that you’ll need to get from one place to another.
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Elementary 35: Galaxy or iPhone?
Android or Apple, that is a question we all seem to face nowadays. Cost, quality, reputations, features, there is a lot that goes into the decision. Whichever you decide to buy, this lesson gives you the vocabulary to talk about the issues involved. Good luck in your purchase.
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Elementary 38: Hacking Into Wifi Networks
Security, network safety, computer hacking, wifi networks, passwords, where does it stop? Are we being prudently cautious or just paranoid? That is the topic in today’s lesson, and come away with lots of new vocabulary related to high tech as well.
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Beginning 41: Do I Look Fat In This Dress?
Careful! One of life’s most challenging questions, “Honey, do I look fat in this dress?” Of course the answer is ‘no.’ And in today’s lesson we learn how to subtly handle this task in Portuguese.
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Beginning 45: Can’t Find The Remote, Again
We all know that we need this lesson. Who hasn’t lost the remote? All remote just seem to disappear, and the same is true in Brazil. We can’t guarantee that it will be any easier to find the remote, but after this lesson you will at least be able to ask for it in Portuguese.
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Intermediate 10: Have you purchased tickets to the Olympics?
So the Olympics are coming, but now we need to purchase tickets. Which events would you like to see most? Let’s just hope that they aren’t too difficult to come by. At least after this lesson we’ll have the Portuguese ability to talk about our tickets.
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Intermediate 13: Who Has Won The Most Medals?
Medal count, some say that it takes away from the Olympic games and others think it is the very reason for the Olympics. How is your country doing in the total medal count?
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Intermediate 16: What Could Be Cooler Than Rowing In Rio!
Sweeping, sculling, really, how does one figure out all of these rowing options? The truth is that it is fun to watch, even if you don’t get all the details. So gather the crew and the coxswain and learn how to talk about rowing in Portuguese.
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Beginning 48: The Tangerines Are Awesome
Feiras or markets, what a fantastic way to enjoy a couple of hours, do some excellent shopping, and also hear tons of everyday language. Remember to taste the foods, just see verify the ones that you really want to buy. In today’s lesson the seller has some good bananas, but the buyer is also looking for some tangerines. Enjoy!
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Elementary 50: I Caught A Really Bad Cold
There is never a good time to have a cold. But why does it feel that each cold is the worst one ever. We feel bad for you, and we hope you get the rest and medicine that you need. It may be of small consolation, but at least you can talk about your cold in Portuguese now, if you want to.
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Elementary 53: Classic Sonnets
There are times when we all wish that we were poets, right? Wouldn’t it be great to write verses that inspire others, or cause others to feel a certain way? Even if that dream is beyond your current reach, at least we can appreciate the poetry of others. Today we learn to talk about the characteristics of classic sonnets.
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Beginning 54: Back Injuries Are The Worst
What is more frustrating than back pain? Do you rest more or stretch more? Do you exercise more, or exercise less? Do you take medicine, or stop taking medicine. We can’t relieve the pain, but we can help you talk about it in Portuguese.
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Elementary 54: Movie Tickets
There are times when we all wish that we were poets, right? Wouldn’t it be great to write verses that inspire others, or cause others to feel a certain way? Even if that dream is beyond your current reach, at least we can appreciate the poetry of others. Today we learn to talk about the characteristics of classic sonnets.
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Elementary 59: Saint Sandwich
What a play on words, a restaurant called “São Duíche”! We’ve got São Paulo, São Jorge, São Caetano, we might as well add a São Duíche, the patron saint of those who love “sanduíches” or sandwiches. This is going to be a fun Portuguese language lesson!
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Beginning 62: I’m Exhausted
Sometimes we just hit the end of the day and we run out of gas. If you just aren’t into pushing it another minute, today we learn how to tell people that we just ought to go to bed. Admit it, we all need this lesson!
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Elementary 63: How Great Is It To Be from Santa Catarina
Outside of Brazil, we sometimes hear more about São Paulo and Rio than we do about other regions in Brazil. In today’s lesson we get to focus on one of Brazil’s hidden gems, Santa Catarina. Get ready, because you are about to find out about a ton of great things to see and do in Santa Catarina. *Photo courtesy of Dircinha Welter (all rights reserved).
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Intermediate 23: Doctor’s Visit – I Have A Cough
None of us likes to visit the doctor, delaying things as long as possible. But, sometimes we just know that it really is important to get a professional to look at things. In today’s lesson it’s a good thing that we went to the doctor because he thinks that we might have bronchitis. And it’s a good thing that we learn how to talk about all of this in Portuguese too. Thank you Doctor, thank you.
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Intermediate 24: Doctor’s visit – High Blood Pressure
So how does a doctor know if we have high blood pressure because of diet, exercise, and health, or high blood pressure because we are nervous about being in a doctor’s office? In the end, we’ve got to take care of the high blood pressure, and in today’s lesson the doctor is taking the steps necessary to do so. Whether you say “hypertension” or “high pressure” we’ll give you the Portuguese to talk about how to make you feel better.
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Beginning 67: How was your weekend?
Asking a friend how his or her weekend was is much more than just a question. It’s a way of showing them that you care and that you are interested in them as people, more than just a colleague at work. In today’s lesson we find out that even staying home for the weekend is nice, and it’s nice to know that your friend asks about you too.
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Elementary 67: Do I look fat in this dress?
The age-old question, ‘how do I look?’ In today’s lesson we not only learn how to answer that question in Portuguese, but we answer it with style, with flattering words, and without delay. You learn much more than just language in our Língua da Gente lessons.
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Elementary 72: Brazilian Breakfast
Sometimes we just want to go back to our comfort food. And in today’s lesson, that means going back to a traditional Brazilian breakfast, complete with papaya, bread, butter, and coffee with milk. It’s a pretty great way to start a day, and even more so when you can talk about it in Portuguese.
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Elementary 75: Onde canta o sabiá
The famous poem by Gonçalves Dias entitled “Canção do exílio” speaks of a longing to hear the song of the sabiá, which is a type of thrush. Most Brazilians know about the poem, but not everyone knows a lot about the national bird, the sabiá. In today’s lesson you can get up to speed on all of it
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