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So where are you from? In this lesson we find out that Paulo is from Rio. And the young lady that he is talking to, she is from Brasilia, what some people call “Brazil’s big sky” country. Learn how to ask where somebody is from.
Let’s see how Paulo is doing. Because when he is doing fine, we all feel better. In this lesson we learn how to ask people how they are doing. Even better, we learn how to respond to that question too.
It’s one thing to ask where the bathroom is, but it is another thing to be able to understand the directions that are given too. In this case, is the bathroom on the left or on the right? Learn how to ask for directions, and then follow them as well.
Modern shopping malls in Brazil are called, shopping. Be careful however, because it is easy to get lost in the maze of floors and corridors. In today’s lesson, learn how to follow the instructions to get to the children’s clothing section on the fourth floor.
Anybody home?!!!! In this lesson we learn how to ask if anyone is home and we also get some hints about what Brazilians say when they invite someone to come into their home. Don’t worry, we are sure that they will tell you to make yourself comfortable.
Everyone is going to the movies, and Susana is going too. Do you want to come along? In this lesson find out how, and while you are at it, learn all about the verb IR, (to go).
Maybe socially we shouldn’t ask everyone their age, but after this lesson we will at least know how to do so, for those occasions when it is OK to ask. While we are at it, this lesson also gives us a nice introduction to the ver TER (to have) vs. ESTAR COM (to be with).
Wow, how long are those phone numbers in Brazil! Don’t worry, in this lesson we break it down into smaller chunks. And yes, Brazilians do say ‘celular’ for all types of mobile phones.
We sincerely doubt that Paulo has some secret government job, but at least in this lesson you will learn how to ask people what type of job they have.
Not only is Paulo’s sister beautiful, looks like Paulo thinks he is pretty good looking too! In this lesson we learn how to give a complement, and ask someone what he or she thinks about things. Grammatically, we take on possessive pronouns (my, your, his, her, etc.).
So, should we walk or take a taxi? On one hand, plan on walking more in Brazil. On the other hand, taxi are not every expensive, especially with a small group of people. In today’s lesson we talk about walking and taking a taxi. And, it is a good chance to introduce you to the verb preferir ‘to prefer’ too.
One of life’s most satisfying pleasures is to spend time at open outdoor markets, the feiras, as Brazilians call them. The sellers are amazing. They know exactly when the fruit will be ripe and they can help you choose the best one available. There’s also an art to how to settle on a price. In today’s lesson, we learn how to buy some mangos, one of the classic fruit treats that are found at feiras.
Oh man, when we talk about how crowded the subways can be in Brazil, we really mean full. Put a smile on your face, squeeze in a little tighter, and plan on meeting new people in a personal way. In today’s lesson we learn about talking about subways, and suggesting that we take the subway.
We hate to say it, but unfortunately things are more expensive. That’s just the way it’s going to be. At least in this lesson we can moan and groan about it a little bit in Portuguese.
It’s one of life’s great challenges, do you buy extra large to feel more comfortable or do you buy a large to not have to tell the world that you are getting a little fatter? Truth told, you are looking good either way, and today we learn how to talk about that in Portuguese.
If you are inviting me to eat moqueca, you don’t need to invite me to twice. I’ll wash up and take a seat. And if you haven’t tried moqueca, at least this lesson gives you the vocabulary and grammar to talk about it.
Sometimes we never get tired of our favorite restaurants. In today’s lesson we learn how to suggest that we go back to our favorite once again. And, by the way, we do agree that comida mineira is excellent food!
We can’t change the weather by talking about it, but at least it feels good to vent a little bit. Too hot, too cold, too rainy, today you will learn how to talk about the weather in Portuguese, even if nothing actually changes.
One thing about Brazilian parties, there is no beginning or ending time. Come when you can, stay as long as you can. In this lesson we can teach you the grammar and vocabulary, but you need to bring the party attitude!
How is it possible that we always misplace our keys, even when they are in our pocket or purse! It happens all the time, admit it. So it only makes sense that we learn that same conversation in Portuguese, which is the topic of today’s lesson.
Men, we all relate to the pressure of being asked by a women if a certain article of clothing looks good or not. Ladies, ya’ll are beautiful, you can wear either the blue or the red blouse. You look great either way. However, we still need to learn how to handle this situation in Portuguese, and that is the objective of today’s lesson. And, we should learn the names of some colors too.
Do you know how in English we sometimes aren’t sure if words are spelled with an ‘s’ or a ‘c’? The same thing happens for Brazilians in Portuguese. There are some words that are harder to spell. Let’s learn about that in today’s lesson.
It’s always nice to meet someone new, and in this lesson we meet our new professor, who is nice enough to invite us in for a chat.
Oops, looks like some people just got caught at working doing something that they weren’t supposed to do. We’ll leave it up to your imagination to say what they were doing. However, in this lesson we’ll give you the specific words and grammar that you’ll need to talk about it, whatever it was.
We’ve all been there. The alarm clock doesn’t go off as expected and the next thing we know, somebody is yelling at us to get up. We’ve all been there. And in today’s lesson you can relive the moment in Portuguese!
Maybe it’s something you ate. Maybe you just ate too much. Or maybe you’ve caught some flu bug. Either way, you aren’t feeling very well, and chances are that you are going to throw up. And on that happy note, in today’s lesson we learn to talk about all of this in Portuguese!
For some people singing in public is not a big deal, but for others it is really tough. And for those of you who think it is easy, have a little compassion on the rest of us, OK? And even if your singing is less than professional, after this lesson you will at least be able to talk about it in Portuguese.
Girl talk, you know, “Who is that handsome guy over there?” Guys, it may be an illusion on your part. Chances are that they are not talking about you. But then again, maybe they are. And in today’s lesson, at least we learn to talk about other people in Portuguese.
Shhh, I know everyone says, “sleeping like a baby” but please be more quiet because this one really is sleeping. And in today’s lesson we talk about babies and sleeping in Portuguese.
The fruit juices in Brazil are fantastic. Really, our recommendation is that among the first things you ever do in Brazil is to try the different fruit juices. There are hundreds of tropical fruits and many make excellent juices. This lesson will get you started, and you will also learn the Portuguese necessary to experience new flavors.
Sometimes it is difficult to ask for information on the phone, partly because you cannot see who you are talking to. In today’s lesson we make things a little easier by giving you the words that you need to say and the words that you will probably hear.
Truth told, if you learn Portuguese for no other reason than to simply listen to Brazilian music, you have got a perfect reason to learn the language. This lesson will get you started on talking about the music that you like.
Everyone is passing out the gifts, and it looks like João didn’t get anything. Well, how sad is that! Even if we don’t have anything to make him feel better, at least we can come out of this lesson with new ways in Portuguese to talk about it.
Kids, they grow up so fast. And if you haven’t seen them for a while, all of a sudden they seem to have grown up. It is the most natural of conversations, asking how the family is doing. And after this lesson, you will be able to do more of that in Portuguese.
If most of us had a dime for every time we misplace our keys, we would all be able to finance our next trip to Brazil. And yet, misplacing keys and being to ask about them in Portuguese are two different things. By the end of this lesson, you will at least know how to ask about them, even if you still have a habit of losing them.
It doesn’t take much effort to wish someone a pleasant day, and the small effort just makes our day better. So after this lesson, you will be able to make people feel better in Portuguese too.
We love our pets. Well, mostly we love our pets, but they can be a lot of work. In today’s lesson the dog runs away. But just how sad is that going to make everyone?
We can pretend that the reason that we are traveling to Brazil is to work or to study, but in this lesson we learn how to confess what really motivates our travel. Listen and find out what.
All that sneezing and runny nose! You’ve got a cold, poor thing. Chances are you aren’t in the mood to do a lot of talking, but in this lesson at least you can learn about how to talk about it.
They say that the way to make progress is to keep track of progress. If so, the Fitbit has got you covered, counting all of your steps each day. Bring it on, and good luck in out-distancing your friends. Even more, now you can talk about it in Portuguese.
Careful! One of life’s most challenging questions, “Honey, do I look fat in this dress?” Of course the answer is ‘no.’ And in today’s lesson we learn how to subtly handle this task in Portuguese.
Don’t you hate it when you run out of milk! How can one be expected to eat cereal for breakfast when there is no milk. Oops, let’s take that back. Brazilians don’t eat cold cereal for breakfast. Still, if someone is going to the store, let’s learn how to ask them to pick up some milk.
You love your job, but it’s your boss who makes things difficult, right? Hey, we feel your pain, and after this lesson, we’ll be able to feel your pain, and talk about it, in Portuguese.
We know that people love their pets, and we love ours too. But really, if the only thing that people like about you more than their pet is that you don’t shed hair all over, well that’s not much of a complement. Still, it sounds better in Portuguese.
We all know that we need this lesson. Who hasn’t lost the remote? All remote just seem to disappear, and the same is true in Brazil. We can’t guarantee that it will be any easier to find the remote, but after this lesson you will at least be able to ask for it in Portuguese.
There is no question that grandparents love to be with the grandchildren. The hard part is choosing the activities that the kiddos enjoy. In today’s lesson that activity is not the circus, but after this lesson you will have the Portuguese to talk about other possible ways to entertain the grandchildren.
Some people catch on to new technologies with no problems, others struggle with the new learning curve. Take for example the time you tried to teach grandma how to use a computer. In today’s lesson we tackle that problem, in Portuguese no less!
Feiras or markets, what a fantastic way to enjoy a couple of hours, do some excellent shopping, and also hear tons of everyday language. Remember to taste the foods, just see verify the ones that you really want to buy. In today’s lesson the seller has some good bananas, but the buyer is also looking for some tangerines. Enjoy!
Lots of us have great memories of watching grandma making jams and preserves. Picking the fruits, adding the sugar, putting it in jars, ahh the good old days with granny. In today’s lesson we reminisce about all of this and how great it was to have grandma around!
Parents, gotta love them. They worry about their kids, especially when the kids arrive home late at night. Well, don’t worry, because if you worry, we’ll give you the words to do so in Portuguese.
Every time you turn around there is a new way to socialize with others. When it comes to chatting with friends, do you prefer WhatsApp or Facebook? That’s the topic we tackle in today’s lesson.
Aren’t you still amazed when you see that a video on YouTube has been viewed over a million times! Really, millions of hits, amazing. In today’s lesson we’ve got people posting things on YouTube and Facebook. Oh my!
Be honest, even in your native language it is hard to understand the flight announcements at airports, right? But don’t worry, we’ll get you prepared for them in Portuguese, and with luck you’ll even you’re your flight and it will get off on time.
What is more frustrating than back pain? Do you rest more or stretch more? Do you exercise more, or exercise less? Do you take medicine, or stop taking medicine. We can’t relieve the pain, but we can help you talk about it in Portuguese.
How many times do you send and receive texts per day? For some it is over 100 times, every day. Given that, we have to have a lesson about all the new options when texting.
Forget the famous food chains, if you want a burger in Brazil, check out the guy with the corner stand. Brazilian X-tudo comes with all the extras, and when we day “tudo” we mean everything. Bring it on, and bring on a lesson to talk about it in Portuguese.
They say that millions of people are playing Pokemon Go, and as you think of it, what a unique way to practice speaking Portuguese. It’s got to be a new combination. And even if you are not into Pokemon, here’s a chance to learn more Portuguese.
How is it possible to watch capoeira and not want to give it a try? Even if you don’t think you could ever make those moves, there is still a part of you that at least wants to play the berimbau. In today’s lesson we at least get you started, by giving you some Portuguese language skills related to talking about capoeira.
One of the great things about Brazil, musically, is that the different regions are extremely diverse. From the Northeast region you will hear music that has almost a reggae type of rhythm, fast and slow, that is played with accordion, a triangle, and a drum called a zabumba. In today’s lesson we talk about forró, baião, and xote. You are gonna love it.
Do you know how to tie a tie? Isn’t there something about a rabbit going around the hole and then back in the hole? If that is too complicated, let’s teach you how to tie a tie in Portuguese. Here we go!
Among the Portuguese skills that we all need, ordering a quick snack and a drink rank high on the list. Potentially you will need this skill on a daily basis. We’ve got you covered and in this lesson we make sure you won’t starve to death while in Brazil!
Sometimes we just hit the end of the day and we run out of gas. If you just aren’t into pushing it another minute, today we learn how to tell people that we just ought to go to bed. Admit it, we all need this lesson!
Nestlé, Garoto or Lacta, in Brazil the question is which chocolate brand we like the most. After today’s lesson, even if you can’t decide, you can at least explain the argument to defend one brand over another.
As part of our ‘small talk’ series, here’s an example of how to finally introduce yourself to a person that you have seen for a long time. Finally, it’s good to meet you!
We’ve all been there. You meet somebody, forget their name, and then see them again down the road. You might as well be honest and simply ask them their name. And in today’s lesson we get to live that experience in Portuguese.
What’s more frustrating than to have the weather be beautiful all week, and then on the weekend, precisely when you have time to get outside, it decides to rain! Well, at least in the dialog we find out that it isn’t very cold outside. But really, gente, when is this rain going to stop!
Asking a friend how his or her weekend was is much more than just a question. It’s a way of showing them that you care and that you are interested in them as people, more than just a colleague at work. In today’s lesson we find out that even staying home for the weekend is nice, and it’s nice to know that your friend asks about you too.
Some days we work so long and so hard at work that we don’t evn realize how long we’ve been sitting. It’s good to get up, move around, stretch your body, divert your attention to something else, can take a break. Even better, take a load off with a friend or colleague, and sit down for a refreshing coffee break. And even better yet, learn how to do so in Portuguese.
What’s better than finding the perfect shoes online? Having a friend who recognizes how good looking those shoes are, and then asks you about them. Don’t worry, in the dialog we promise to send you the link, in Portuguese of course.
We all relate to the pressure of how to react to a hair cut, especially when we go with a new look or a new style. The good news is that in today’s dialog not only does our friend notice, but she lets us know that the new style is working well, está linda! Thank goodness, because we are always taking a chance with a new hair style.
Sometimes we feel pressed and want to get out of the supermarket as quickly as possible. Other days we are OK with slowing down the pace a little bit. In today’s lesson somebody is nice enough to let another go first in the checkout line. No doubt that someday the good deed will be paid back, and somebody will let you in line as well. And at least we’ll have enough Portuguese to thank them appropriately if this happens in Brazil.
How big of a statement are you making when you wear clothing with your teams name and logo? For some it’s a bold declaration of passion, for others it was merely a clean shirt in the closet. Either way, it’s bound to call attention, which as learners of Portuguese is a perfect excuse to strike up a conversation.
What’s more entertaining, watching the little kids play ball or watch the parents as the reaction to their children who are playing ball. In today’s lesson some parents are in the bleachers chatting as their kids are playing. Both seem to be fairly chill, which is good because sometimes the parents can go a little crazy. Nothing crazy about learning how to talk about this in Portuguese.
Since someone is stopping by the supermarket anyway, it’s only polite to ask if there is anything you need. It’s always nice to be nice! And today we learn how to be nice in Portuguese too.
It’s one thing to think of salad as a fresh, healthy food. But we’ve all had the experience of opening the fridge, only to find that the lettuce is brown, the tomatoes are old, and the cucumbers are mushy. It’s enough to take away your appetite. It doesn’t matter what language you are using, that kind of food is gross.