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We hate to say it, but unfortunately things are more expensive. That’s just the way it’s going to be. At least in this lesson we can moan and groan about it a little bit in Portuguese.
We can’t change the weather by talking about it, but at least it feels good to vent a little bit. Too hot, too cold, too rainy, today you will learn how to talk about the weather in Portuguese, even if nothing actually changes.
Poor old João, he’s been playing ball, comes home all sweating and hot. Should we give the guy a few minutes to cool down or should we tell him to go jump in the showers? He smells terrible, and it’s a good thing that in this lesson we can tell people to go take a bath in Portuguese.
“Oh, look at the cute little puppy!” Well, some love to look at the cute little puppy, but others can only think of the awful sensation of shedding hair, licked faces, and smelly fur. Whether you are a pet lover or a pet despiser, we’ve got you covered to talk about it in Portuguese.
Some love those television shows about health, well-being, fitness, and relationships. Others think that they are a lot of nonsense. Informative or entertainment, helpful or deceiving, in this lesson we get to talk about all of this in Portuguese.
Nobody likes to have to pay the bills, but when the amount is even more than usual, it is even more difficult to accept. In today’s lesson the electric bill is way too high. Find out whose fault that is.
You love your job, but it’s your boss who makes things difficult, right? Hey, we feel your pain, and after this lesson, we’ll be able to feel your pain, and talk about it, in Portuguese.
Wow, that garbage can is starting to smell bad. Either we learn some Portuguese to talk about taking the trash out, or we take out the trash ourselves. Either way, this lesson has got to help us clear the air a bit.
How do you keep those houseplants alive? For some it is easy, for others there is no hope. Do you have a green thumb? And if so, and you talk about it in Portuguese? After today’s lesson you will be one step closer (at least in talking about it).
Go ahead, say that you hate Facebook, but then be honest, how many times do you check it each day? Check up on old friends, find out whose birthday it is, post photos of yesterday’s party. In this lesson Andreia really didn’t want those pictures to go public. Too late, and everyone “likes” them a lot.
Backseat drivers, gotta love ‘em! Well, not really, but in today’s lesson we at least appreciate where they are coming from, but we also learn to tell them to calm down a bit.
Without a doubt Florianopolis is one of those fantastic cities that makes Santa Catarina shine Even if you have never been there, this lesson gives you a change to talk about it and ask others about their opinions of this classic city.
You gotta love them, but you also gotta get ready for invitations to eat more, and more and more. It’s just their way of saying that they love you. So, take a deep breadth, fill up that plate, and have another helping.
What’s more frustrating than to have the weather be beautiful all week, and then on the weekend, precisely when you have time to get outside, it decides to rain! Well, at least in the dialog we find out that it isn’t very cold outside. But really, gente, when is this rain going to stop!
We spend so much of our life in bed, it really shows that getting the right bed is probably a big deal. But what do you do when the bed is uncomfortable. It may be that buying another one will change things, or maybe not. It’s such a hard decision, but at least we’ll give you the language necessary to make that decision in Portuguese.
Have you ever been to one of those restaurants where you pay by weight. They are extremely popular in Brazil. However, the question in today’s lesson is whether or not is makes sense to pay for food by weight. Some think it’s convenient and logical, others find it inconvenient and illogical. Either way, we learn some great Portuguese verbs to talk about the self-service restaurants.