Anybody home?!!!! In this lesson we learn how to ask if anyone is home and we also get some hints about what Brazilians say when they invite someone to come into their home. Don’t worry, we are sure that they will tell you to make yourself comfortable.
Everyone is going to the movies, and Susana is going too. Do you want to come along? In this lesson find out how, and while you are at it, learn all about the verb IR, (to go).
Oh man, when we talk about how crowded the subways can be in Brazil, we really mean full. Put a smile on your face, squeeze in a little tighter, and plan on meeting new people in a personal way. In today’s lesson we learn about talking about subways, and suggesting that we take the subway.
For some people singing in public is not a big deal, but for others it is really tough. And for those of you who think it is easy, have a little compassion on the rest of us, OK? And even if your singing is less than professional, after this lesson you will at least be able to talk about it in Portuguese.
Shhh, I know everyone says, “sleeping like a baby” but please be more quiet because this one really is sleeping. And in today’s lesson we talk about babies and sleeping in Portuguese.
The fruit juices in Brazil are fantastic. Really, our recommendation is that among the first things you ever do in Brazil is to try the different fruit juices. There are hundreds of tropical fruits and many make excellent juices. This lesson will get you started, and you will also learn the Portuguese necessary to experience new flavors.
Don’t you hate it when you run out of milk! How can one be expected to eat cereal for breakfast when there is no milk. Oops, let’s take that back. Brazilians don’t eat cold cereal for breakfast. Still, if someone is going to the store, let’s learn how to ask them to pick up some milk.
We have been looking forward to this for years. The Olympics are coming to Brazil and now we have to decide if we are going to attend the events live. After today’s lesson, you should be more excited than ever to attend.
It’s one thing to eat sweets and candies, it’s another to make homemade sweets. For Brazilians, this begins with brigadeiro, which can be simple or elegant. We wish that we could promise that anyone who learns how to speak Portuguese will automatically know how to make brigadeiros. Truth told, however, all we can say is that you’ll know how to order them!
You gotta love them, but you also gotta get ready for invitations to eat more, and more and more. It’s just their way of saying that they love you. So, take a deep breadth, fill up that plate, and have another helping.
Some days we work so long and so hard at work that we don’t evn realize how long we’ve been sitting. It’s good to get up, move around, stretch your body, divert your attention to something else, can take a break. Even better, take a load off with a friend or colleague, and sit down for a refreshing coffee break. And even better yet, learn how to do so in Portuguese.
The age old question about what to do on the weekend. And of course that question is more difficult to answer when the forecast says it’s going to rain. Looks like the beach will have to wait for another day. And while you are making those decisions, we’ll help you to discuss the options in Portuguese.