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6:30am can seem so early sometimes! How about we sleep a little longer, OK? Learn how to ask what time it is, and while you are at it, suggest that we sleep just a little more.
Large cities in Brazil have thousands of public buses, all of them with complicated routes, hundreds of bus stops, and tons of different schedules. In this lesson we learn how to ask what streets a bus will go down, super practical information to for those who will be traveling in Brazil.
Sometimes we just can’t get away from our work. But really, is it more important than taking a break to go out to lunch with friends? In this lesson we learn about how to invite others to lunch. Hopefully you will be able to accept the invite, unlike Paulo in this lesson!
Sure the daily specials are good too, but it is hard to beat the usual, which in today’s lesson is a cheese bacon burger with fries and a soft drink. Learn about how to invite your friends to try something new to eat.
In today’s lesson we learn how to talk about one of the most characteristic foods of Brazil, feijoada. Think of a black bean stew with lots of different meats and the serve that over rice. You’ve got it, and for meat lovers, it is hard to resist.
Since you are trying to learn Portuguese, it only makes sense that we have a lesson on how to say the names of other languages too. And that is what today’s lesson is all about.
So the word for Wednesday in Portuguese is something like ‘fourth market.’ OK, looks like we need to learn how to count the days of the week. In today’s lesson we learn about scheduling times to meet with a teacher, including days of the week.
It is one thing to ask where the taxi stand is, but it is another thing to understand the response. A good part of understanding these instructions is related to how well one understands those pesky adverbs of location (e.g., to the right, to the left, etc.). And that is the objective behind today’s lesson.
Is it so frustrating to learn how to pronounce words in Portuguese. There are different sounds for all of the vowels and there don’t seem to be any rules. And those verb endings, it’s crazy! Never fear. In today’s lesson will give you a few hints along the way, and we’ll let you know that it’s really no big deal.
When you gotta go, you gotta go, and in this lesson we’ve gotta go. But there is no way that we are using those dirty public bathrooms. You will thank us later when you know how to talk about this in Portuguese.
Do you know a creepy person? In this lesson we have a dialogue where we talk about other people, and we will learn how to refer to those who are lazy, rude and creepy in Portuguese. It has to be a useful lesson, right?
Going to the gym, working out, exercising, for some these words all carry a positive feeling. For others, they bring up feelings of dread or guilt. In today’s lesson Andreia is really into working out, or at least watching others work out. Cassia, not so much. And even if you are not in perfect shape, after today’s lesson you will at least be able to talk about it.
Are you pretty happy with your height and weight? Remember that when you talk about that in Portuguese, you will have to switch to the metric system. So, just how tall are you and how much do you weigh? Learn how to talk about that in today’s lesson.
After today’s lesson we will all feel like we need to go back to elementary school, unless of course you already know how to calculate the area of a trapezoid. Just kidding, but after this lesson you will be able to identify some basic shapes in Portuguese.
Go ahead, make jokes about how soccer players fake injuries. Now, why don’t you try hitting your head with another guy’s cleats. We aren’t praising the violence; we’re just saying that it can get rough out there. After today’s lesson you can talk about soccer in Portuguese too.
Some things are just difficult to translate, and the names of different Brazilian desserts definitely fall in that category. Truth told, tasting them is the only way to really know what we are talking about. Taste truly trumps translation. Still, after this lesson you will know a number of Brazilian desserts that you should at least try to taste sometime.
What could it hurt, a little fried food for lunch, no big deal, right? If it means that you get to eat quibe, esfirra, coxinha and pastelzinhos, perhaps the extra calories are worth it. But then again, too much of a good thing might add on the extra pounds. After today’s lesson, you will be able to either order more fried foods or avoid more fried foods!
We all hope that someday, as a foreigner in Brazil, you have the opportunity to buy flowers. There is a delightful mix of the excitement in seeing the many new flowers, the relatively cheaper prices, and the fun of the exchange with the flower sellers. In this lesson we should learn some of the Portuguese that you’ll need for your flower-buying experience.
In this lesson we not only learn how to talk about traveling, but we also get the added bonus of talking about Florianopolis, truly one of the jewels of the southern part of Brazil.
Really? I mean seriously! How is it possible for people to live in places where the winter temperatures are below freezing? We know that many people do, but for people like Marcos in today’s lesson, those cold temperatures are shocking! And that’s what we learn to talk about in today’s lesson.
Some love museums, and others don’t. What is exceptionally exciting for one person, is the height of boredom for another. Either way, if you do go to the museum, don’t ruin it for the others by making wisecracks, snide comments, and ugly faces during the whole visit. Be nice, and in this lesson we learn to be nice about it in Portuguese.
We’ve all heard about the wonders of the açaí berry: antioxidants, fiber, low in fat, super energy, etc. Whether that is true or not, there are those who just love the taste of açaí smoothies. Others, however, just can’t get used to the unique taste. After this lesson, if you haven’t every tried açaí, you’ll wonder which side of the debate you will be on.
Brazilian churrasco (barbecue) is world famous, especially among the beef lovers of the world. Probably two of the major features include the use of sea salt in the flavoring and the unique cuts of meat, including the well-known picanha. In today’s lesson however, we find out that picanha isn’t everyone’s favorite cut of meat.
Poor old João, he’s been playing ball, comes home all sweating and hot. Should we give the guy a few minutes to cool down or should we tell him to go jump in the showers? He smells terrible, and it’s a good thing that in this lesson we can tell people to go take a bath in Portuguese.
João has been trying to quit smoking. He’s not quite there yet, but looks like he is still motivated to kick the habit. Good thing for João. And good thing for us too, because we learn to talk about it in Portuguese.
Let’s hope that section18 row 25 has good seats for whatever performance Daniela in our dialog is attending. And let’s also hope that they can follow the instructions to find those seats. In today’s lesson we learn the Portuguese phrases that you’ll need to get from one place to another.
“Oh, look at the cute little puppy!” Well, some love to look at the cute little puppy, but others can only think of the awful sensation of shedding hair, licked faces, and smelly fur. Whether you are a pet lover or a pet despiser, we’ve got you covered to talk about it in Portuguese.
Ah yes, the pleasure of sitting by the pool, talking to friends, and watching the kids playing in the water. You used to be the kids, and now look at you, passing on the tradition for another generation. Let’s talk about those good old days in Portuguese.
Why are our dreams so weird? Really, it seems like our subconscious has some pretty creative ways to freak out while we sleep. And in today’s lesson we even learn to interpret the meaning of your bizarre dreams too, in Portuguese that is.
The subway in São Paulo is quite impressive, with new lines that have been added in recent years. It is easy to figure out, easy to get around, and very convenient. We do warn you, however, that the trains can get completely full. Get ready to squeeze in, but thanks to this lesson, you will be able to do so in Portuguese.
It’s always nice to wake up in a hotel and head on down to a buffet breakfast. Especially in Brazil this means that you get lots of fresh fruit, juices, breads, cheeses, and something hot to drink. After today’s lesson you should be able to find out how to get to breakfast, and hopefully know what time it is served too.
Going to the movies is much more involved than it used to be. You used to be able to just choose the movie. Now you decide on 3D, fancy seats, assigned seating, apps to download, meals and treats, early shows, it’s much more involved. Still, the language you need to talk about what you like and dislike about the movies, you’ve got it in this lesson.
Oh, Oh! Looks like Daniela and Marcos broke up, but nobody told Elisângela about it. Oops, of course she didn’t mean anything by her comments, but it would have been nice if someone had told her what was going ton. At least in your case, you will learn how to deal with this type of situation in Portuguese.
We all know, it’s one thing to exercise, but we still need to watch what we eat. Looks like in this lesson we learn that by eating less salt and by drinking less coffee, chances are that our blood pressure will improve. At least that is what we hope, and now that hope can be expressed in Portuguese too.
Android or Apple, that is a question we all seem to face nowadays. Cost, quality, reputations, features, there is a lot that goes into the decision. Whichever you decide to buy, this lesson gives you the vocabulary to talk about the issues involved. Good luck in your purchase.
Shopping online can be extremely convenient, but is it secure? Some love to buy everything online and others would rather go to the store. In this lesson we learn to talk about online shopping.
Some love those television shows about health, well-being, fitness, and relationships. Others think that they are a lot of nonsense. Informative or entertainment, helpful or deceiving, in this lesson we get to talk about all of this in Portuguese.
Security, network safety, computer hacking, wifi networks, passwords, where does it stop? Are we being prudently cautious or just paranoid? That is the topic in today’s lesson, and come away with lots of new vocabulary related to high tech as well.
No doubt, our lessons are about Portuguese, but how can somebody resist good Italian food? And where do you find some of the world’s best Italian food? In São Paulo, Brazil of course. Enjoy a large serving of lasagna and enjoy the lesson about food.
Casual clothing, what could be better than a casual afternoon, comfortable clothing, informal settings, and a feeling of chill? Well, for some the answer is that dressing up and looking fine more fun than life in a t-shirt and shorts. Whatever side you fall on, here’s the Portuguese language to go with it.
Nobody likes to have to pay the bills, but when the amount is even more than usual, it is even more difficult to accept. In today’s lesson the electric bill is way too high. Find out whose fault that is.
What is this, some kind of torture! When it comes to waxing and plucking eyebrows, you women have an incredible threshold of pain. We admire that, and after this lesson, that admiration can be expressed in Portuguese.
Wow, that garbage can is starting to smell bad. Either we learn some Portuguese to talk about taking the trash out, or we take out the trash ourselves. Either way, this lesson has got to help us clear the air a bit.
More and more Brazilians are traveling abroad, and what an exciting thing it is to see. In today’s lesson our Brazilians are in New York City, and look how fun it is to see the Empire State Building. Of course, we will want to be able to talk about all of this in Portuguese.
How do you keep those houseplants alive? For some it is easy, for others there is no hope. Do you have a green thumb? And if so, and you talk about it in Portuguese? After today’s lesson you will be one step closer (at least in talking about it).
When it comes to plastic surgery, the joke is that there are no ugly women, just poor husbands. Of course plastic surgery is not the solution to all beauty issues, and in today’s lesson Marco does a good job of reassuring his wife that she is beautiful. After today’s lesson you will be able to do the same, with or without plastic surgery.
Some of the most tender moments in life are when we get to hold a baby, especially in those quiet hours in the night when it is just you and the baby. But man, it’s exhausting to keep up that pace! Still, after today’s lesson, we’ll be able to talk about those moments in Portuguese too.
Out of all the appliances that one might need in the kitchen, for many the microwave oven is the most used. Cooking, what do you mean cooking? We just heat things up, right? No matter how you use the microwave, in today’s lesson we learn to talk about it in Portuguese.
It’s OK to experiment with new recipes, but sometimes it’s better not to mess with a good thing. In today’s lesson we find out that the old soup recipe was just fine. Leave well enough alone. Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. And in this case we all gain in learning some more Portuguese.
There is never a good time to have a cold. But why does it feel that each cold is the worst one ever. We feel bad for you, and we hope you get the rest and medicine that you need. It may be of small consolation, but at least you can talk about your cold in Portuguese now, if you want to.
Backseat drivers, gotta love ‘em! Well, not really, but in today’s lesson we at least appreciate where they are coming from, but we also learn to tell them to calm down a bit.
Taking pictures with modern-day cameras is a breeze, well kind of, right? Digital camera have so many settings, if can be pretty confusing, almost enough to say that it’s easier just to use your cellphone. But don’t fret just yet, we’ll get you talking about camera’s in Portuguese!
There are times when we all wish that we were poets, right? Wouldn’t it be great to write verses that inspire others, or cause others to feel a certain way? Even if that dream is beyond your current reach, at least we can appreciate the poetry of others. Today we learn to talk about the characteristics of classic sonnets.
There are times when we all wish that we were poets, right? Wouldn’t it be great to write verses that inspire others, or cause others to feel a certain way? Even if that dream is beyond your current reach, at least we can appreciate the poetry of others. Today we learn to talk about the characteristics of classic sonnets.
For some suit coats look sharp, and for others they simply look restricting. And no doubt, when they fit just right, they look much better. That is the decision in today’s lesson, to buy or not to buy a new suit. And don’t forget to get a new tie too.
Some people like subtitles and others hate them. But you’ve got to consider what a dubbed movies sounds like too. Especially when watching foreign movies, it’s just nice to hear the original voices. No matter your preference, in this lesson we learn to talk about it in Portuguese.
Of course we’d like to say that we are always productive with our time. But sometimes it’s nice just to chill in front of the TV and let the evening pass away in 100% rest and relaxation. Don’t make it a daily habit, but now and again, why not? And why not in Portuguese?
Ice cream is already one of life’s great pleasures, and this is even more the case in a place where tropical fruits give us even more new flavor options. So let’s talk about ice cream, your favorite flavors, your favorite places to buy it, and who to share it with.
What a play on words, a restaurant called “São Duíche”! We’ve got São Paulo, São Jorge, São Caetano, we might as well add a São Duíche, the patron saint of those who love “sanduíches” or sandwiches. This is going to be a fun Portuguese language lesson!
It’s one thing to eat sweets and candies, it’s another to make homemade sweets. For Brazilians, this begins with brigadeiro, which can be simple or elegant. We wish that we could promise that anyone who learns how to speak Portuguese will automatically know how to make brigadeiros. Truth told, however, all we can say is that you’ll know how to order them!
How do couples decide whose turn it is to change a dirty diaper? Is it best to take turns, trade days, alternate between wet and dirty? We’ll let you decide the strategy, but what we can help you with is how to talk about changing diapers in Portuguese.
Without a doubt Florianopolis is one of those fantastic cities that makes Santa Catarina shine Even if you have never been there, this lesson gives you a change to talk about it and ask others about their opinions of this classic city.
Outside of Brazil, we sometimes hear more about São Paulo and Rio than we do about other regions in Brazil. In today’s lesson we get to focus on one of Brazil’s hidden gems, Santa Catarina. Get ready, because you are about to find out about a ton of great things to see and do in Santa Catarina. *Photo courtesy of Dircinha Welter (all rights reserved).
You gotta love them, but you also gotta get ready for invitations to eat more, and more and more. It’s just their way of saying that they love you. So, take a deep breadth, fill up that plate, and have another helping.
In English we talk about a “proud papa” and in Portuguese with call somebody a “papai coruja”. “Coruja” is the word for “owl” and isn’t that a beautiful way to describe somebody who looks like he is proud. In today’s lesson we learn how to talk about being excited for things.
There is nothing more fun that taking on your best friend in a game of one-on-one. The problem is that your friend is pretty bad at keeping the score. In today’s lesson we not only learn how to talk about the score in Portuguese, but we also learn how to help our friend keep score!
The age-old question, ‘how do I look?’ In today’s lesson we not only learn how to answer that question in Portuguese, but we answer it with style, with flattering words, and without delay. You learn much more than just language in our Língua da Gente lessons.
We spend so much of our life in bed, it really shows that getting the right bed is probably a big deal. But what do you do when the bed is uncomfortable. It may be that buying another one will change things, or maybe not. It’s such a hard decision, but at least we’ll give you the language necessary to make that decision in Portuguese.
Salgadinhos, those salty snack foods that we all love to eat, even if do so with a little sense of guilt, knowing that they just can’t be all that healthy of an option. Still, in today’s lesson we give you a pretty good list of many of the salgadinhos that you should try. And, as long as you don’t go too crazy, feel free to eat them without feely guilty.
What kind of present do you get when you know that your friend is a little particular about things? Go ahead and bat around a few ideas, but it may be easier just to get a gift coupon and let him get what he wants later. And to help the discussion move along, in today’s lesson we do it all in Portuguese.
The age old question about what to do on the weekend. And of course that question is more difficult to answer when the forecast says it’s going to rain. Looks like the beach will have to wait for another day. And while you are making those decisions, we’ll help you to discuss the options in Portuguese.
Sometimes we just want to go back to our comfort food. And in today’s lesson, that means going back to a traditional Brazilian breakfast, complete with papaya, bread, butter, and coffee with milk. It’s a pretty great way to start a day, and even more so when you can talk about it in Portuguese.
It’s so easy to ignore the warning lights that go off, but in this case the tire looks a little low too. It’s a good thing that friends can help out, check the tires and even take things in to a mechanic if needed. And if you ever need to make that request in Portuguese, today’s lesson’s got you covered.
Some people just seem to see the good in everyone, and others seem to point out the flaws. In today’s lesson Mara has written another blog, and does she ever bring up some emotions and opinions. Whether positive of negative, this lesson helps us to express ourselves in Portuguese.
The famous poem by Gonçalves Dias entitled “Canção do exílio” speaks of a longing to hear the song of the sabiá, which is a type of thrush. Most Brazilians know about the poem, but not everyone knows a lot about the national bird, the sabiá. In today’s lesson you can get up to speed on all of it