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Morning sickness, cravings, wow, there are a lot of things that happen when a woman becomes pregnant. In this lesson we learn about how to talk about all of these things. And we sure hope that other fathers catch on quicker than the one in this dialog!
Ah yes, the challenges of potty training our children. Is my child normal? When is the right time to start? Am I doing anything wrong? This lesson gets us into this topic, and all in Portuguese of course.
Yeah, the new iPad is out, and Antonio wants to take a peek. Andreia, however, is skeptical. Is it a big deal, or just another excuse to spend money on a new toy? In today’s lesson we’ll see how much Brazilian adopt new foreign words into their everyday speech.
Buying perfume seems to be as complicated as choosing a fine wine. There is a combination of personal taste mixed with a knowledge about top notes, middle notes and a whole list of different scents and aromas. In this lesson we take on the task of buying perfume, and in the end, even the decorative bottle becomes part of the purchase decision.
The company may have a new conference room, but just try to make a reservation to use it. Others have it reserved for today. But don’t worry, tomorrow it’s available all day. And after today’s lesson, you be able to make the same reservations in Portuguese too.
Buying a guitar can be complicated. There are so many types and styles. It’s a good thing that Andreia is helping Antonio to choose the appropriate one for his son. And even better, it gives us a chance to learn about this in Portuguese.
Of course not everyone loves soccer, but everyone should be able to join in on conversations about soccer. And what better way to talk the talk than to visit the soccer museum in São Paulo? So here we go, who was better Pelé or Garrincha? Maradona or Messi?.
We have been looking forward to this for years. The Olympics are coming to Brazil and now we have to decide if we are going to attend the events live. After today’s lesson, you should be more excited than ever to attend.
So the Olympics are coming, but now we need to purchase tickets. Which events would you like to see most? Let’s just hope that they aren’t too difficult to come by. At least after this lesson we’ll have the Portuguese ability to talk about our tickets.
We have been looking forward to this for years. The Olympics are coming to Brazil and now we have to decide if we are going to attend the events live. After today’s lesson, you should be more excited than ever to attend.
How can those athletes combine such grace and strength, it’s amazing. After today’s lesson we will be able to use Portuguese to describe such moves in gymnastics.
Medal count, some say that it takes away from the Olympic games and others think it is the very reason for the Olympics. How is your country doing in the total medal count?
How sad would it be to train for years and years, and then be disqualified for a false start. That’s part of the Olympic drama and part of the lesson for today.
Let’s be honest, they say that dive was a 9.6 or a 9.7, but didn’t they all look the same to the untrained eye? After a few days of watching Olympics we start to think that we really do see a difference. Either way, now we can talk about those points in Portuguese.
Sweeping, sculling, really, how does one figure out all of these rowing options? The truth is that it is fun to watch, even if you don’t get all the details. So gather the crew and the coxswain and learn how to talk about rowing in Portuguese.
The Olympic motto is “faster, higher, stronger.” For some of us, we really get into the pure Olympic spirit. For others of us, we are way too cynical to buy into that. Where is your focus? Whatever side you fall on, here’s a change to talk about it in Portuguese.
Living the Olympic dream! If you were in the Olympics, what sport would you like to compete in? Bring it on, and bring it on in Portuguese.
Bahia, if food doesn’t come to mind as the very first thing, chances are that it’s the still one of the top associations. Vatapá, caruru, moqueca, it just seems that the never-ending list of great foods just sparkle with a Bahia shine. In today’s lesson we focus on the food that perhaps most we most associate with Bahia: Acarajé. Listen to Andreia and Antonio tell us how acarajé is made.
Go ahead, say that you hate Facebook, but then be honest, how many times do you check it each day? Check up on old friends, find out whose birthday it is, post photos of yesterday’s party. In this lesson Andreia really didn’t want those pictures to go public. Too late, and everyone “likes” them a lot.
No doubt, the current political scene in Brazil is going through a difficult period. Still, we should be able to talk about it without being mean and ugly. That is how our people see it, and that is how our lesson flows today. Ah, if everyone could approach it this way!
Sure, it’s convenient to be able to write in multiple languages, but sometimes the auto-correct messes you up too. No problem, in today’s lesson we talk about how to set up your phone to type in either English or Portuguese.
So how weird is it when your brother or sister gets married? I mean really, you’ve seen your brother as the little kid who tags along, and now somebody loves him enough to spend her life with him! Yep, that’s today’s lesson, and fortunately, everybody loves the new sister-in-law.
None of us likes to visit the doctor, delaying things as long as possible. But, sometimes we just know that it really is important to get a professional to look at things. In today’s lesson it’s a good thing that we went to the doctor because he thinks that we might have bronchitis. And it’s a good thing that we learn how to talk about all of this in Portuguese too. Thank you Doctor, thank you.
So how does a doctor know if we have high blood pressure because of diet, exercise, and health, or high blood pressure because we are nervous about being in a doctor’s office? In the end, we’ve got to take care of the high blood pressure, and in today’s lesson the doctor is taking the steps necessary to do so. Whether you say “hypertension” or “high pressure” we’ll give you the Portuguese to talk about how to make you feel better.
It’s so easy to get off of our routine, especially when traveling a lot. However, for those with diabetes, it’s important to still watch what we eat, keep up on medications, and maintain our exercise programs. Easier said than done, right? And in this lesson we add one more element, talking about all of this in Portuguese. We can do it, and chances are we’ll feel much better too.
We sometimes think that it would be nice to join a gym, but it gets rather intimidating when we see all of the sign up procedures, there’s a lot of pressure. Still, we know it’s a good thing to work out, so maybe it’s time to buckle down and do it. In today’s lesson the process is at least made a little easier when a friend can give some advice about what to expect.
How in the world does a person figure out what makes a good cachaça? Color, smell, taste, and what brands are recommended? This lesson is our chance to get you started in knowing how to talk about cachaça and caipirinha.Drinking it, well, we’ll leave that up to you.
Do you love or hate shopping? People seem to fall into one of those camps. And how does your love/hate of shopping change when you get to do it online? Or does it change when you are shopping for cloths or for tools? All of this goes into our shopping patterns, and in this lesson we do it in Portuguese.
Have you ever been to one of those restaurants where you pay by weight. They are extremely popular in Brazil. However, the question in today’s lesson is whether or not is makes sense to pay for food by weight. Some think it’s convenient and logical, others find it inconvenient and illogical. Either way, we learn some great Portuguese verbs to talk about the self-service restaurants.
YouTube is such a part of our everyday life, no wonder we want to create our own channel. But if you want to talk about YouTube channels in Portuguese, there are some words and phrases that will help you out. And that is the object of today’s lesson.