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Elementary 06: How Many Languages Do You Speak?
Since you are trying to learn Portuguese, it only makes sense that we have a lesson on how to say the names of other languages too. And that is what today’s lesson is all about.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Beginning 19: It’s So Hot!
We can’t change the weather by talking about it, but at least it feels good to vent a little bit. Too hot, too cold, too rainy, today you will learn how to talk about the weather in Portuguese, even if nothing actually changes.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Elementary 15: Soccer Is Violent
Go ahead, make jokes about how soccer players fake injuries. Now, why don’t you try hitting your head with another guy’s cleats. We aren’t praising the violence; we’re just saying that it can get rough out there. After today’s lesson you can talk about soccer in Portuguese too.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Elementary 20: I Nearly Froze To Death
Really? I mean seriously! How is it possible for people to live in places where the winter temperatures are below freezing? We know that many people do, but for people like Marcos in today’s lesson, those cold temperatures are shocking! And that’s what we learn to talk about in today’s lesson.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Elementary 27: I Hate Pets
“Oh, look at the cute little puppy!” Well, some love to look at the cute little puppy, but others can only think of the awful sensation of shedding hair, licked faces, and smelly fur. Whether you are a pet lover or a pet despiser, we’ve got you covered to talk about it in Portuguese.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Elementary 28: What Sports Did You Play?
Ah yes, the pleasure of sitting by the pool, talking to friends, and watching the kids playing in the water. You used to be the kids, and now look at you, passing on the tradition for another generation. Let’s talk about those good old days in Portuguese.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Intermediate 06: Buying A Guitar
Buying a guitar can be complicated. There are so many types and styles. It’s a good thing that Andreia is helping Antonio to choose the appropriate one for his son. And even better, it gives us a chance to learn about this in Portuguese.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Beginning 37: The Dog Ran Away!
We love our pets. Well, mostly we love our pets, but they can be a lot of work. In today’s lesson the dog runs away. But just how sad is that going to make everyone?
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Elementary 37: Watching Health And Well-Being Shows
Some love those television shows about health, well-being, fitness, and relationships. Others think that they are a lot of nonsense. Informative or entertainment, helpful or deceiving, in this lesson we get to talk about all of this in Portuguese.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Intermediate 07: Visiting the Soccer Museum
Of course not everyone loves soccer, but everyone should be able to join in on conversations about soccer. And what better way to talk the talk than to visit the soccer museum in São Paulo? So here we go, who was better Pelé or Garrincha? Maradona or Messi?.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Beginning 44: Here kitty, kitty, kitty
We know that people love their pets, and we love ours too. But really, if the only thing that people like about you more than their pet is that you don’t shed hair all over, well that’s not much of a complement. Still, it sounds better in Portuguese.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Intermediate 09: Are you going to the Olympics??
We have been looking forward to this for years. The Olympics are coming to Brazil and now we have to decide if we are going to attend the events live. After today’s lesson, you should be more excited than ever to attend.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Intermediate 10: Have you purchased tickets to the Olympics?
So the Olympics are coming, but now we need to purchase tickets. Which events would you like to see most? Let’s just hope that they aren’t too difficult to come by. At least after this lesson we’ll have the Portuguese ability to talk about our tickets.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Intermediate 11: Congrats to the Silver Medal Winner
We have been looking forward to this for years. The Olympics are coming to Brazil and now we have to decide if we are going to attend the events live. After today’s lesson, you should be more excited than ever to attend.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Intermediate 12: Wow, Those Gymnasts Are Amazing!
How can those athletes combine such grace and strength, it’s amazing. After today’s lesson we will be able to use Portuguese to describe such moves in gymnastics.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Intermediate 13: Who Has Won The Most Medals?
Medal count, some say that it takes away from the Olympic games and others think it is the very reason for the Olympics. How is your country doing in the total medal count?
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Intermediate 14: The Swimmer Was Disqualified
How sad would it be to train for years and years, and then be disqualified for a false start. That’s part of the Olympic drama and part of the lesson for today.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Intermediate 15: How Do I Know What A 10 Looks Like!
Let’s be honest, they say that dive was a 9.6 or a 9.7, but didn’t they all look the same to the untrained eye? After a few days of watching Olympics we start to think that we really do see a difference. Either way, now we can talk about those points in Portuguese.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Intermediate 16: What Could Be Cooler Than Rowing In Rio!
Sweeping, sculling, really, how does one figure out all of these rowing options? The truth is that it is fun to watch, even if you don’t get all the details. So gather the crew and the coxswain and learn how to talk about rowing in Portuguese.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Intermediate 17: Faster, Higher, Stronger
The Olympic motto is “faster, higher, stronger.” For some of us, we really get into the pure Olympic spirit. For others of us, we are way too cynical to buy into that. Where is your focus? Whatever side you fall on, here’s a change to talk about it in Portuguese.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Intermediate 18: Our Olympic Dream
Living the Olympic dream! If you were in the Olympics, what sport would you like to compete in? Bring it on, and bring it on in Portuguese.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Elementary 52: Getting Into Photography
Taking pictures with modern-day cameras is a breeze, well kind of, right? Digital camera have so many settings, if can be pretty confusing, almost enough to say that it’s easier just to use your cellphone. But don’t fret just yet, we’ll get you talking about camera’s in Portuguese!
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Beginning 55: Time To Catch Some Pokemon
They say that millions of people are playing Pokemon Go, and as you think of it, what a unique way to practice speaking Portuguese. It’s got to be a new combination. And even if you are not into Pokemon, here’s a chance to learn more Portuguese.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Beginning 66: Small talk III – It’s raining
What’s more frustrating than to have the weather be beautiful all week, and then on the weekend, precisely when you have time to get outside, it decides to rain! Well, at least in the dialog we find out that it isn’t very cold outside. But really, gente, when is this rain going to stop!
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Elementary 66: What’s the score?
There is nothing more fun that taking on your best friend in a game of one-on-one. The problem is that your friend is pretty bad at keeping the score. In today’s lesson we not only learn how to talk about the score in Portuguese, but we also learn how to help our friend keep score!
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Beginning 67: How was your weekend?
Asking a friend how his or her weekend was is much more than just a question. It’s a way of showing them that you care and that you are interested in them as people, more than just a colleague at work. In today’s lesson we find out that even staying home for the weekend is nice, and it’s nice to know that your friend asks about you too.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Beginning 72: Small talk IX – Sports fans
How big of a statement are you making when you wear clothing with your teams name and logo? For some it’s a bold declaration of passion, for others it was merely a clean shirt in the closet. Either way, it’s bound to call attention, which as learners of Portuguese is a perfect excuse to strike up a conversation.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Beginning 73: Small talk X – Little League
What’s more entertaining, watching the little kids play ball or watch the parents as the reaction to their children who are playing ball. In today’s lesson some parents are in the bleachers chatting as their kids are playing. Both seem to be fairly chill, which is good because sometimes the parents can go a little crazy. Nothing crazy about learning how to talk about this in Portuguese.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3
Elementary 69: Buying tools or not
What kind of present do you get when you know that your friend is a little particular about things? Go ahead and bat around a few ideas, but it may be easier just to get a gift coupon and let him get what he wants later. And to help the discussion move along, in today’s lesson we do it all in Portuguese.
Lesson MP3 | Dialog MP3