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It’s one thing to ask where the bathroom is, but it is another thing to be able to understand the directions that are given too. In this case, is the bathroom on the left or on the right? Learn how to ask for directions, and then follow them as well.
We all know that we need this lesson. Who hasn’t lost the remote? All remote just seem to disappear, and the same is true in Brazil. We can’t guarantee that it will be any easier to find the remote, but after this lesson you will at least be able to ask for it in Portuguese.
How do you keep those houseplants alive? For some it is easy, for others there is no hope. Do you have a green thumb? And if so, and you talk about it in Portuguese? After today’s lesson you will be one step closer (at least in talking about it).
Some of the most tender moments in life are when we get to hold a baby, especially in those quiet hours in the night when it is just you and the baby. But man, it’s exhausting to keep up that pace! Still, after today’s lesson, we’ll be able to talk about those moments in Portuguese too.
Out of all the appliances that one might need in the kitchen, for many the microwave oven is the most used. Cooking, what do you mean cooking? We just heat things up, right? No matter how you use the microwave, in today’s lesson we learn to talk about it in Portuguese.
Parents, gotta love them. They worry about their kids, especially when the kids arrive home late at night. Well, don’t worry, because if you worry, we’ll give you the words to do so in Portuguese.
Of course we’d like to say that we are always productive with our time. But sometimes it’s nice just to chill in front of the TV and let the evening pass away in 100% rest and relaxation. Don’t make it a daily habit, but now and again, why not? And why not in Portuguese?
How do couples decide whose turn it is to change a dirty diaper? Is it best to take turns, trade days, alternate between wet and dirty? We’ll let you decide the strategy, but what we can help you with is how to talk about changing diapers in Portuguese.
Sometimes we just want to go back to our comfort food. And in today’s lesson, that means going back to a traditional Brazilian breakfast, complete with papaya, bread, butter, and coffee with milk. It’s a pretty great way to start a day, and even more so when you can talk about it in Portuguese.