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Anybody home?!!!! In this lesson we learn how to ask if anyone is home and we also get some hints about what Brazilians say when they invite someone to come into their home. Don’t worry, we are sure that they will tell you to make yourself comfortable.
Morning sickness, cravings, wow, there are a lot of things that happen when a woman becomes pregnant. In this lesson we learn about how to talk about all of these things. And we sure hope that other fathers catch on quicker than the one in this dialog!
Not only is Paulo’s sister beautiful, looks like Paulo thinks he is pretty good looking too! In this lesson we learn how to give a complement, and ask someone what he or she thinks about things. Grammatically, we take on possessive pronouns (my, your, his, her, etc.).
Do you know a creepy person? In this lesson we have a dialogue where we talk about other people, and we will learn how to refer to those who are lazy, rude and creepy in Portuguese. It has to be a useful lesson, right?
Are you pretty happy with your height and weight? Remember that when you talk about that in Portuguese, you will have to switch to the metric system. So, just how tall are you and how much do you weigh? Learn how to talk about that in today’s lesson.
Girl talk, you know, “Who is that handsome guy over there?” Guys, it may be an illusion on your part. Chances are that they are not talking about you. But then again, maybe they are. And in today’s lesson, at least we learn to talk about other people in Portuguese.
Shhh, I know everyone says, “sleeping like a baby” but please be more quiet because this one really is sleeping. And in today’s lesson we talk about babies and sleeping in Portuguese.
Why are our dreams so weird? Really, it seems like our subconscious has some pretty creative ways to freak out while we sleep. And in today’s lesson we even learn to interpret the meaning of your bizarre dreams too, in Portuguese that is.
Oh, Oh! Looks like Daniela and Marcos broke up, but nobody told Elisângela about it. Oops, of course she didn’t mean anything by her comments, but it would have been nice if someone had told her what was going ton. At least in your case, you will learn how to deal with this type of situation in Portuguese.
There is no question that grandparents love to be with the grandchildren. The hard part is choosing the activities that the kiddos enjoy. In today’s lesson that activity is not the circus, but after this lesson you will have the Portuguese to talk about other possible ways to entertain the grandchildren.
Some of the most tender moments in life are when we get to hold a baby, especially in those quiet hours in the night when it is just you and the baby. But man, it’s exhausting to keep up that pace! Still, after today’s lesson, we’ll be able to talk about those moments in Portuguese too.
Parents, gotta love them. They worry about their kids, especially when the kids arrive home late at night. Well, don’t worry, because if you worry, we’ll give you the words to do so in Portuguese.
So how weird is it when your brother or sister gets married? I mean really, you’ve seen your brother as the little kid who tags along, and now somebody loves him enough to spend her life with him! Yep, that’s today’s lesson, and fortunately, everybody loves the new sister-in-law.
You gotta love them, but you also gotta get ready for invitations to eat more, and more and more. It’s just their way of saying that they love you. So, take a deep breadth, fill up that plate, and have another helping.
In English we talk about a “proud papa” and in Portuguese with call somebody a “papai coruja”. “Coruja” is the word for “owl” and isn’t that a beautiful way to describe somebody who looks like he is proud. In today’s lesson we learn how to talk about being excited for things.
What kind of present do you get when you know that your friend is a little particular about things? Go ahead and bat around a few ideas, but it may be easier just to get a gift coupon and let him get what he wants later. And to help the discussion move along, in today’s lesson we do it all in Portuguese.
Some people just seem to see the good in everyone, and others seem to point out the flaws. In today’s lesson Mara has written another blog, and does she ever bring up some emotions and opinions. Whether positive of negative, this lesson helps us to express ourselves in Portuguese.